Welcome! I'm Shiza, a UX Designer with a background in marketing, now equipped with the skills and insights gained from completing the General Assembly UX Bootcamp.

Having honed my craft in shaping strategic narratives as a Marketing Manager at the UK's 2nd Independent largest Pharmacy chain, infusing creativity at The Parently Group, and orchestrating brand experiences at Selfridges, my path has been a fusion of strategic insight and creative flair. This diverse journey has propelled me toward UX Design, where my passion for impactful digital experiences meets purpose and creativity. What began with marketing creativity has evolved into a deep commitment to user-centric design. My completion of the General Assembly UX Bootcamp marks a significant milestone in my journey, furthering my ability to infuse empathy and purpose into every digital interaction.

My toolbox

My Approach

Communication is king

My journey through complex business structures and cross-functional teams has taught me the power of adaptable communication, crucial for conveying technical details or overarching strategies and nurturing collaboration, overcoming challenges, and driving innovation.

I love the details

Crafting interfaces and refining flows, I ensure every detail enhances the user journey. Beyond aesthetics, I analyse feedback and data, continuously improving designs. Excited by details, I strive to create digital experiences that deeply resonate with users.

push the boundaries

I believe that innovation flourishes when individuals feel safe to express themselves freely. With this mindset, I collaborate closely with team members and stakeholders, valuing their input and insights every step of the way. Together, we co-create user experiences that exceed expectations, guided by a shared commitment to inclusivity, empathy, and continuous improvement.

Let's Chat!

Let's Chat!

If you're interested in my resume or like to chat with me about products, design, opportunities:

Currently reading

"A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara is a poignant and deeply moving novel that follows the lives of four college friends as they navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and trauma in New York City. Spanning decades, the story explores themes of resilience, loyalty, and the enduring bonds that shape our lives.

I look forward to completing it and writing up my thoughts. If you want to read of my other book reviews have a look at my Book Club.